Cracking Up the Baluarte | Luna La Union

As I walked along the pebbled-shore of Luna, La Union on a sunny day, I picked a few pieces of washed-up drift wood, I stopped a bit, took a few deep breaths and marveled at the coastal town's resources. Pebbles in different sizes, colors and shapes covered the shore and I think they were being washed away to the shore from the sea. It was like they never ran out of pebbles here. God's gift to their land perhaps. :)

I continued walking and found the town's baluarte or the watchtower situated on the shore. It was one massive round Spanish structure made of bricks and rocks.
It was where the guards stationed themselves to warn communities of approaching pirates or unwelcome guests. The baluarte was no longer in good shape as it was already leaning and was almost split in half with a giant crack on its side.

I continued walking and found the town's baluarte or the watchtower situated on the shore. It was one massive round Spanish structure made of bricks and rocks. It was where the guards stationed themselves to warn communities of approaching pirates or unwelcome guests. The baluarte was no longer in good shape as it was already leaning and was almost split in half with a giant crack on its side. 

The townspeople of Luna pick pebbles for a living. They gather the pebbles and sort them according to sizes, colors and shapes everyday. These then are sold to their regular customers, for construction of buildings and landscaping purposes.

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